Selasa, 28 September 2010

Combining the benefits of music with reading the song lyrics

4 ulasan:

  1. wow..i like this song very much and i'm pretty sure so does the using song in language learning, students can improvise their listening skills.more over when they were trying to spell the words as they listened to the song,they could also identify common spelling mistakes they often the way,i suggest we as teacher to choose songs that is more up to date to the youngsters because i don't think they are familiar enough with songs of 90's.

  2. owh..thank you..that's right..we need to choose the latest song so that they enjoy the lesson and at the same time they grab some new vocabularies from the activity.

  3. Using songs in classroom is a good way to make students enjoy English lessons. Rather than a boring and dull English class,we can get students to enjoy and learn at the same time. I agree about using an updated song rather than old songs that the students dont even know. From my experience teaching tuition classess, the students are like "Teacher, we want Justin Biber's" and so on.So, I'll always have to ask 'which singer do you want?' everytime I decide to do listening activities. And they always looks forward to a listening activities although I just do it once a month, capturing their interests is easy once you know them better.

  4. Khoo Mun Yee: You are right. We should use authentic materials’ to teach the students, and song is one of the good examples.
